Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Approval Under FDA Clinical Submission - Regulatory Section 505(b)(2)

Drug products filed with FDA for clinical submission and marketing approval under Section 505(b)(2) are not new products, but are products that already have an active ingredient previously approved by a regulatory agency or is now formulated differently, or has a different route of administration, or will show safety and effectiveness in a different therapeutic indication or demonstrates a different mechanism of action. The appropriate regulatory pathway for either consideration above is to seek marketing approval via FDA 505(b)(2).

The active ingredient has certain information already known about the active ingredient, thus an abbreviated application and clinical submission process that does not require extensive testing via the NDA new drug route of regulatory approval is the chosen path. With a "new" NDA, FDA requires complete extensive clinical trials, Phase 1, 2 and 3. Phase 1 clinical trials involve a small number of healthy volunteers. The basis of the clinical Phase 1 program is to ascertain the pharmacologic and pharmacokinetic activity and tolerance of the drug in humans. The Phase 2 clinical program examines preliminary data in a small number of humans related to the medication's effectiveness, safety, adverse event profile, risk/benefit in patients with a diagnosed disease, a therapeutic indication. The Phase 3 clinical program is extensive, involving a large number, several thousand patients or more participating to evaluate the safety, efficacy and overall risk/benefit ratio for use of this medical product in the general population.

Under the rules in Section 505(b)(2), the applicant can rely on information from clinical studies it did not conduct, but were previously approved by FDA. Thus the 505(b)(2) pathway is considered an abbreviated approach to a "NDA", cost effective, with reduced time to approval and market. The 505(b)(2) application requires full clinical study reports of investigations of safety and efficacy where at least some portion of the information submitted for approval comes from studies submitted for previous approval. The applicant can rely for example, on literature describing the safety, effectiveness, risk/benefit, adverse event profile. The applicant will have FDA's findings of safety and effectiveness from the previous approved medication. As well, pharmaco-safety data and prescribing information are available and must contribute to the clinical submission 505(b)(2) approval process.

Remember, previously submitted, FDA approved clinical submission data and documentation has been quality-controlled and quality assured. It is a must that new clinical data and documentation submitted in the 505(b)(2) filing be consistent with scientific, clinical and statistical statements, data and documentation previously approved. A quality control or QC review to compare previously submitted materials and "to be filed" new clinical data and documentation is a must. This includes post marketing safety data and documentation. Clinical submission data and documentation, collected worldwide fall into the QC cycle. If QC is not applied or utilized, the end result is a disaster (impacting new and previously approved products) and results in data inconsistency and a Refusal to File with FDA, for starters. For QC review contactus@danteresources.com, danteresources@yahoo.com.

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