Each medical device product will be reviewed according to its intended use and if it relates to an unmet medical need or emergent or life threatening serious need, but beware, these applications are not easily regulated and approved and will be reviewed with regulatory rigor.
Yes, there are 3 types of PMA 510(k)s that may be submitted to FDA, Traditional, Special and Abbreviated. The Special and Abbreviated regulatory paths were developed under "The New 510(k) Paradigm" to help streamline the 510(k) review process at FDA. The Special 510(k) and Abbreviated 510(k) regulatory methods can only be used if certain criteria are met. The Traditional regulatory path can be used under any circumstances. Information required at the time of filing can be found in 21 CFR 807 Subpart E.
A 510(k) PMA Notification does not require a "form" to complete for submission. There is no form. The 510(k) concept is based on substantial equivalence (SE) to a legally marketed (predicate) device(s). All 510(k)s must provide a comparison between the device to be marketed and the predicate device or devices already marketed.
A most important consideration is the predicate device. A company must identify a predicate device as a component of their clinical submission. That predicate device will be used as a source comparison to your device at the time of clinical submission and regulatory review. The choice of the predicate device is crucial and I strongly recommend that the 501(k) number of the predicate device be identified in the clinical submission - be transparent, be clear, be open. Choose a device for your comparator, that is similar to your device. You may claim SE to more than one predicate. The predicate device of choice will and must be recently cleared and approved by FDA. There is additional guidance at http://www.fda.gov/ pertaining to "How to Find a Predicate Device".
Additional Steps to Aid in Management and Preparation:
- Locate Guidance Documents
- Locate Design Control Requirements 21 CFR 820.30
- Locate QS Regulation
- Locate Content and Format for the "Type" of clinical submission to be filed.
Components of a Traditional 510(k), for example:
- Form FDA 3601
- PRS Cover Sheet
- Form FDA 3674
- Cover Letter
- Indications for Use
- 510(k) Summary 21 CFR 807.92 or 510(k) Statement 21 CFR 807.93
- Standards Data Report Form FDA 3654
- Truthful and Accuracy Statement 21 CFR 807.87(k)
- Class III Certification and Summary 21 CFR 807.94.
Items required under 21 CFR 807.87 required for a PMA Notification are numerous, please visit the Federal Register and create a checklist of submittable, required components as it pertains to each device to ensure complete submissions and to minimize potential RTFs - Refusal to File.
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