Monday, March 29, 2010

Phase 4 Clinical Research - Increasing Importance to "Buyers"

Phase 4 clinical research data provides key groups and decision makers with important information pertaining to the safety and efficacy of a drug once approved by FDA. Data and documentation must find its way to physicians, insurance providers, buyers, opinion leaders, pharma sales force and of course FDA, for purposes of review, promotion, education, prescribing, retail, regulatory rigor, patient safety.

Phase 4 clinical research has increasing importance for distributors when helping consumers understand product labels, PDR, package inserts, product brochures. With increasing consumer demand for drugs, natural products, and otherwise, there is more need for research and in-store nutrition knowledge within the retail sector. Sales, marketeers and retailers must be well informed about the products they distribute and sell. Retailers have an important role in explaining nutrition product labels to consumers. This presents opportunity for natural product suppliers to utilize clinical research, in conjunction with market and outcomes research to train and educate their distributors using their product's clinical trial data and documentation.

Opportunities such a advertising displays, promotional items, leaflets, brochures, manuals, pamphlets, videos, infomercials, and otherwise must be used by distributors so they can market to their consumers. Phase 4 clinical data and documentation must be quality controlled and collected with regulatory rigor and good clinical practice. All promotional information whatever form of media used to educate, disseminate and/or train, must also be quality-reviewed and quality-controlled. Phase 4 clinical research must be transcribed, translated, presented and summarized with quality control, consistency, version control, precision, clarity, consistency of claim, statement, storyline and accuracy. Engage experts in quality. Engage gate-keepers who ensure version control of didactic, Phase 4 clinical research, promotional materials, data and documentation worldwide.

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